Book List:
Circle Time:
Center Activities:
Bible Lesson:
Amazing Airplanes
book       lesson

Autumn is for Apples
book       lesson

Barney Says Play Safely
book       lesson

Can You Hear It?
book       lesson

Dream Snow
book       lesson

book       lesson

Grimm's Fairy Tales
book       lesson

I Got Two Dogs
book       lesson

Papa, Please get the
Moon for me.
book       lesson

book       lesson

My Shadow
book       lesson

Spring is Here
book       lesson

St. Patrick's Day
in the Morning
book       lesson

Teddy Bear Picnic
book       lesson

Ten Apples up on Top
book       lesson

The Boat Book
book       lesson

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
book       lesson

The Little Red Hen
book       lesson

The Mixed Up Chameleon
book       lesson

The Three R's
book       lesson

The Tiny Seed
book       lesson

The Very Hungry
book       lesson

There's No Place
like Space
book       lesson

Three Little Kittens
book       lesson

Two Little Trains
book       lesson

Queen of Hearts
book       lesson

We Three Kings
book       lesson

Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
book       lesson
Bible Theme: I am Safe with God
Our final lesson for September reminds children that
Jesus cares for their needs.  Children learn about
personal care, hygiene and ways to keep their bodies
happy and healthy.
Preschool Theme: Personal Care / Hygeine
This page is  full of Personal Care printables!  There
are staying healthy coloring pages, bible verse
bracelets, printable word wall cards, handwriting
worksheets file folder games and more!
Printable Lesson Plan
A printable version of our Redemption
Bible Lesson Required printables are
-Morning Circle Time
-Preschool Theme
-Letter of the Week
-Music & Movement
-Center Time Activities
-Snack Suggestion
-Thematic Craft
-Bible Theme
-Bible Verse
-Bible Song
-Optional Resources
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Sunday School Sites
Search by Resource
You can search our site by the particular resource that you
need for your class.  Each category has everything we have
to offer for that particular resource.
Zoe Gets Ready by Bethanie Murguia
A story where getting dressed inspires big dreams!
Each day is full of possibilities, and Zoe wants to be
ready for everything this one might bring. But that
makes getting dressed really, really hard!
King Bidgood's in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood
This delightful tale tells of a king who refuses to leave
his bathtub.  The queen tries to get him out, but he
refuses.  Then the knight, the duke, and other subjects
give it a go, but it is a special someone who knows just
the trick to get him out.
Morning Circle Time:
Pantomime some actions that depict someone getting ready for school in the morning.  
For instance, pretend to brush your teeth.  Let the children guess the action you're
performing.  Pantomime some other actions:  combing your hair, eating cereal, taking a
coat off a hanger and putting it on, washing your arms and hands, etc. Now let the
children guess what you might be getting ready to do.  (Answers will vary, getting ready
to go anywhere, even getting ready for bed.)  Tell the children that today we'll be talking
about taking care of ourselves, keeping clean, and clothing.  

Show the children the letter "c."  (To keep things simple and easier for the children to
understand, today's lesson will focus on the hard "C" sound.)  Now show the children
some objects and actions that begin with the "C" sound: "clap," "car," "cat," "comb,"
"cloth," "coat," "clean," "cough," "clock," "color."  Discuss the words and practice saying
them with the children.
Music & Movement:
Play "Rub a Dub Dub" a Song about Bathtime by
Wendy Rollin.  Act out the lyrics and enjoy this fun
song about keeping clean!
Snack Time:  Letter"C" foods
Enjoy some cheese and crackers, some carrots, or
even some cornbread! Be sure to remind the children
of their "C" foods while they're snacking, and remind
the children about good hygiene practices like hand
washing before they eat.
Bubble Blowing Station
Go outside, or set up an area covered in towels and
sheets inside, and experiment with bubble blowers of all
shapes and sizes. Fill up a water table with soapy water
and experiment with lifting the bubbles off the surface of
the water.  You can some amazingly large bubble with
liquid dawn soap, and some
Big Bubble wands.
Clothing Center
Prepare an area for the children to work on fine and
gross motor skills by caring for clothing: lacing,
buttoning, tying, snapping, folding, and hanging clothes
on plastic hangers.  You might even have a play ironing
board, washboard, and laundry tub.  You could
"washers" and "dryers" from large appliance boxes.
Create a space for a clothesline and clothespins for the
children to practice hanging up their laundry.
Rubber Duckey Race
Set up a water table filled with rubber duckies and see
which ones make it to the other side!  Number them
to keep them identified or pick up a set of these
ABC Rubber Duckies. Encourage children
to find different ways of racing the ducks. What can
you use to propel the ducks?  Make ripples in the
water?  Blow them across?  
You might want to read some more verses in context and discuss them with the children:
"Consider how the lilies grow; they don't work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell
you that even Solomon with his riches was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers.
God clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today but tomorrow is thrown into the fire.
So how much more will God clothe you? Don't have so little faith! Don't always think about
what you will eat or what you will drink, and don't keep worrying. All the people in the
world are trying to get these things, and your Father knows you need them. But seek God's
kingdom, and all your other needs will be met as well." Luke 12:27-31 (NCV)

Take some time to talk with the children about all the ways God meets our needs, and thank
Him for his divine care for us!
Bible Song:
"Consider the Lilies," by
New Vintage on the "No
Time for the Blues" CD.  
This beautiful song is a
lovely way to pause and
reflect on the goodness of
our God.
Handwriting Practice: C is for Children
This is an optional handwriting worksheet for
children who are ready to practice tracing the
letters of the alphabet.

C is for Cleaning
C is for Children
Taking Care of Me File Folder Game
This is a personal care file folder game for children to
math up different objects with what they would use
them for.

Hygiene File Folder Game TP             BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 1        BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 2        BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 3        BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 4        BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 5        BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 6        BW
Hygiene File Folder Game Page 7        BW
Classroom Field Trip
Consider arranging a field trip to visit a dry cleaning
business.  Learn about how different kinds of clothes
are cleaned and pressed.

In preparation for next month's focus on animals of
all kinds, consider a field trip to a pet grooming
business.  Watch how the animals are bathed,
groomed, and cared for.
Tell the children there are a LOT of "C" words that have to
do with taking care of ourselves!  Ask the children to give
you examples of ways we keep healthy and things we do to
take care of ourselves.  How do we keep from getting sick?
Talk about germs and covering our coughs. Sometimes our
parents or caregivers give us Vitamin C to help us fight
colds.  We can eat healthy foods to take care of ourselves,
like carrots, corn, and cranberries.  We need to keep
ourselves and our houses clean to stay well, and we need to
take good care of our clothes.
Read: King Bidgood's in the Bathtub
by Audrey Wood
This delightful tale tells of a king who
refuses to leave his bathtub.  The queen
tries to get him out, but he refuses.  Then
the knight, the duke, and other subjects
give it a go, but it is a special someone
who knows just the trick to get him out.
Recipe via OneGoodThing
1/2 cup Dawn
1/2 gallon water
1 Tbl glycerin
Zoe Gets Ready by Bethanie Murguia
Enjoy this delightful story with the children and discuss how the
kids decide what they want to wear each day.  Take this opportunity
to talk again about all the things we do to make ourselves look and
feel good.  Talk about our personal responsibility of taking care of
ourselves. But, can we worry too much about our appearance?
What if we aren't satisfied with the clothes we have in our closets?
What if we are worried that we won't have all the things we need to
take care of ourselves?
C is for Commandment
This is a Bible Coloring
Page of Moses holding up
the Ten Commandments.
Taking Care of Me Weekly Chart
This is a simple chart you can pass out to your
students to take home with them.  They can keep
track of their morning routine to be sure they are
doing their best to take care of their bodies.  Print a
special reward for children who bring back their
charts filled out.
Bible Verse Bracelets:
Luke 12:27-28

“Consider how the wild flowers grow.
They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell
you, not even Solomon in all his
splendor was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of
the field, which is here today, and
tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how
much more will he clothe you—you of
little faith!" Luke 12:27-28 (NIV)
Toothbrush Splatter Paint
Prepare your art-making area and your children well! Mix up some wonderful paint
colors and let your artists dip toothbrushes and/or combs in them to create awesome
splatter art. Show the children how to use their thumbs to spray the paint from the
bristles. If they have trouble with that, let them make prints with the objects instead.  
If you really need a less messy alternative, create a collage by searching for pictures
from magazines depicting any kind of cleaning activity, from mopping a floor to
shampooing hair. Let the kids cut or tear the pictures out and paste them into a collage.
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