Book List:
Circle Time:
Center Activities:
Bible Lesson:
Amazing Airplanes
book       lesson

Autumn is for Apples
book       lesson

Barney Says Play Safely
book       lesson

Can You Hear It?
book       lesson

Dream Snow
book       lesson

book       lesson

Grimm's Fairy Tales
book       lesson

I Got Two Dogs
book       lesson

Papa, Please get the
Moon for me.
book       lesson

book       lesson

My Shadow
book       lesson

Spring is Here
book       lesson

St. Patrick's Day
in the Morning
book       lesson

Teddy Bear Picnic
book       lesson

Ten Apples up on Top
book       lesson

The Boat Book
book       lesson

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
book       lesson

The Little Red Hen
book       lesson

The Mixed Up Chameleon
book       lesson

The Three R's
book       lesson

The Tiny Seed
book       lesson

The Very Hungry
book       lesson

There's No Place
like Space
book       lesson

Three Little Kittens
book       lesson

Two Little Trains
book       lesson

Queen of Hearts
book       lesson

We Three Kings
book       lesson

Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
book       lesson
Printable Lesson Plan
A printable version of our God Made
The Planets Lesson. Each of our lesson
include the following:
-Morning Circle Time
-Preschool Theme
-Letter of the Week
-Music & Movement
-Center Time Activities
-Snack Suggestion
-Thematic Craft
-Bible Theme
-Bible Verse
-Bible Song
-Optional Resources
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need for your class.  Each category has everything we have
to offer for that particular resource.
Bible Theme: God Made the Planets
In this lesson children will learn about God's wonderful
creation....not just here on earth, but in outer space as
well.  It's amazing to think of the vastness of the
universe and then remember that God made it all!
Preschool Theme: Planets
This page is  full of Planet printables!  There are planet
coloring pages, bible verse bracelets, handwriting
worksheets and more!  We have everything you need
for an out of this world adventure.
"God Made Outer Space" by Heno Head
The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth. Come
and learn about the exciting world God designed just for us!
Explore the world of Happy Day Books - filled with
fun-to-read stories that teach Christian values. Level 3
features longer stories, greater vocabulary, paragraphs, and
more complex subjects. Ages 3-7.
"There's No Place Like Space!" by Tish Rabe
Au revoir, Pluto! In this newly revised, bestselling backlist
title, beginning readers and budding astronomers are
launched on a wild trip to visit the now eight planets in our
solar system (per the International Astronomical Union’s
2006 decision to downgrade Pluto from a planet to a dwarf
planet), along with the Cat in the Hat, Thing One, Thing
Two, Dick, and Sally. It’s a reading adventure that’s out of
this worl
03487: Solar System! Accent Punch-Outs Solar System! Accent Punch-Outs
By Scholastic Teaching

Decorate your classroom or a young astronomer's bedroom with this set of 93 solar system punch-outs. Planets, planet labels, stars, and comets are included!

This package includes:

  • 3 each of the 9 planets
  • 3 Suns
  • 6 Comets
  • 30 Planet Names
  • 27 Stars
  • Snack:
    Flying saucer snacks.  Take any type of
    cookie or cracker that has a hole in the
    center and place a fat marshmallow or large
    grape in the hole.  Looks like a UFO!
    Solar System Exploration
    If you have a model of the solar system at
    your school, set it up on a table decorated
    with photos of the planets and books
    about the solar system.
    Bible Verse Bracelets:
    Psalm 8:3

    "...the moon and the
    stars, which you have
    set in place..."
    Bible Song:  
    "My God is So Big"
    from Bible Songs recording
    by Cedarmont Kids Classics.

    Print the Lyrics Here
    Handwriting Practice
    This is an optional handwriting worksheet for
    children who are ready to practice tracing the letters
    of the alphabet.

    P is for Picnic Handwriting Pages
    P is for Planet Handwriting Pages
    Music & Movement:

    Popping Planets on the Parachute.  Most preschools have a parachute specifically used
    for large group activities.  However, if you do not have a parachute, you can use a
    large sheet.  Place several balls of varying colors and sizes on the parachute.  Position
    the children all around the perimeter of the parachute or sheet and have them grab
    lifting and dropping the parachute.
    Play Dough Center
    Let the children create their own solar
    system out of colorful play dough.
    Morning Circle:
    Ask the children if they enjoyed their "Picnic Party."  Tell them that today we'll be
    learning about another "P" word:  "Planets!"  Ask them if anyone can name one or
    more of the planets.  Ask them if they know how many planets are in our solar system.  
    Show the children some nice
    glossy photos of our planets, and help them understand
    the concept of the solar system.

    Explain that there is a special body in our solar system that, until very recently, was one
    of our planets.  It's called "Pluto," and scientists now call it a "dwarf planet."  It's very
    far away from Earth, past and rocky minerals, similar to some planet's moons.  That's
    why space scientists, called astronomers, say it is really not a planet.  We used to have
    nine planets, and now we only have eight!

    Sing the planet song
    Planet Sort and Count
    Have nine (or eight, if you really want to be technical)
    styrofoam balls (available at craft supply stores) of various
    the children to sort them into categories by color or size.  
    Let them place them in order from smallest to largest.  
    Count the "planets" in small groups and then as a larger
    group. (see additional activities for printable versions)
    345237: GeoSafari Motorized Solar System GeoSafari Motorized Solar System
    By Educational Insights Inc.

    The "sun" shines onto the nine planets as they orbit around it. The central tower and planetary support rods are black so that they "disappear" in a darkened room for a spectacular effect! Replace the solar dome with the star dome included to create a spectacular planetarium sky complete with major constellation names. In addition the base features a special 1000-hour light bulb and planetary longitude marks so the planets can be set up to their correct positions. The Solar System model is powered either by four C batteries (not included) or by an optional AC adapter (not included).
    Read: "There's No Place Like Space!" by Tish Rabe
    Au revoir, Pluto! In this newly revised, bestselling backlist
    title, beginning readers and budding astronomers are
    launched on a wild trip to visit the now eight planets in our
    solar system (per the International Astronomical Union’s
    2006 decision to downgrade Pluto from a planet to a dwarf
    planet), along with the Cat in the Hat, Thing One, Thing
    Two, Dick, and Sally. It’s a reading adventure that’s out of
    this worl
    P is for Prophet
    This is a Bible Coloring
    Page of one of God's
    "God Made Outer Space" by Heno Head
    The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth. Come
    and learn about the exciting world God designed just for us!
    Explore the world of Happy Day Books - filled with
    fun-to-read stories that teach Christian values. Level 3
    features longer stories, greater vocabulary, paragraphs, and
    more complex subjects. Ages 3-7.
    Make some Planets!

    Let the children experiment with color and texture by making two
    planets, Mars and Neptune.  Give each child two strytofoam balls, one
    considerably larger than the other (the larger one is Neptune.)  Roll
    the balls around in white glue until well coated.  Give each child two
    containers: one filled with red sand and the other with small bits of
    torn blue tissue paper (in at least two shades of blue.)  Let the children
    coat the smaller strytofoam ball with red sand for Mars, and the other
    ball with tiny bits of blue tissue for Neptune.  This activity can be
    adapted for other planets as your time, resources, and creativity allow.
    Special Visitor
    If a parent in your room has an astronomy hobby,
    set up a time to let the children do some real night
    sky viewing.  The winter months often provide an
    especially good time for stargazing due to the cold
    clear atmosphere.
    Planet Sequencing/ Planet Mobile
    This is a set of printable planets for children to cut out
    and color (using the above wall chart as a guide)  Let them
    practice putting them in order of size, and distance from
    the sun.  For extended activities, provide them with an old
    coat hanger and string, and let them  make their own solar
    system mobile to take home.  Help them write the names
    of the planets on the backs.
    Planet Coloring Page & Handout
    Use these printables to let children color in the
    different planets, or print the color version to hang
    up in your classroom.

    Planet Coloring Page
    Planet Handout
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