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ABC Visual Sheets Bible Verse Bracelets Bible ABC Coloring Coloring Pages Craft Ideas File Folder Games Handwriting Sheets Matching Games |
Air Airplane Apples Apples2 Boats Bugs Butterflies Cats Dogs Elephants Farm Magnets Moon Music Music2 Noel Nativity Picnic Planets Queen Queen2 Safety Shadows Shamrocks Spiders Spring Sunflowers Trains Recycle |
Amazing Airplanes book lesson Autumn is for Apples book lesson Barney Says Play Safely book lesson Can You Hear It? book lesson Dream Snow book lesson Elmer book lesson Grimm's Fairy Tales book lesson I Got Two Dogs book lesson Papa, Please get the Moon for me. book lesson Magnets book lesson My Shadow book lesson Spring is Here book lesson St. Patrick's Day in the Morning book lesson Teddy Bear Picnic book lesson Ten Apples up on Top book lesson The Boat Book book lesson The Itsy Bitsy Spider book lesson The Little Red Hen book lesson The Mixed Up Chameleon book lesson The Three R's book lesson The Tiny Seed book lesson The Very Hungry Caterpillar book lesson There's No Place like Space book lesson Three Little Kittens book lesson Two Little Trains book lesson Queen of Hearts book lesson We Three Kings book lesson Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin book lesson |
Search by Resource You can search our site by the particular resource that you need for your class. Each category has everything we have to offer for that particular resource. |
Bible ABC Coloring ABC Visual Sheets File Folder Games Matching Games Coloring Pages Craft Ideas Bible Verse Bracelets |
Music & Movement: Have an indoor snowball fight! Pour out several bags of large white cotton balls on the floor. Let children lift up and drop the "snow," throw it, toss it at each other, and even try to make snow angels. Play "Let It Snow" in the background to help set the mood. |
N is for Noah This is a Bible Coloring Page of Noah opening up the ark widows to the dove. |
Bible Song: "Love, Love," from "Songs of Praise: 15 Classic Songs for Kids" by Cedarmont Kids Classics. (Traditional lyrics below) |
Bible Verse Bracelets: 1 John 4:10: "...He loved us and sent His son." |
Swirly, Snowy, Starry Night Pictures In front of each child place a small jar or bowl filled with about a 50/50 ratio of sugar and lukewarm water. Let the children stir the water to observe the sugar dissolving. This may prompt a discussion about "is it there if you can't see it?" - which can be an excellent time to discuss Jesus! Provide colored chalk and a sheet of heavy dark blue or black construction paper for each child. Let the children dip the chalk into the bowls or jars of sugar water (stirring it a little each time) and then apply the wet chalk to the paper in swirls and whirls. Then let the children paste small cotton balls or wisps and foil stars onto their creations. The sugar crystals will sparkle once the piece it dry. Van Gogh, look out! |